• retort pouch

CPP Retortable Film

Low temperature heat sealable Low temperature heat sealable

Soft and low odour Soft and low odour

High transparency High transparency

Food contact Food contact

Application Industries: Food

Product Advantages

Low temperature heat sealable

Good flatness

High transparency

Good slip properties

Soft and low odour

Suitable for inflated bags

Food Contact

Compliant with international food contact standards.

Product features



Heat seal temperature (℃)



Product parameter information is based on the measured results of the sample and is generally representative, but these indicators are not guaranteed values. Please contact us for special requests.


Film type  
Model example
Application examples
CPP Retortable Film
Cooked at 121℃ B1B Small fish, dried beans and other small size packaging
121℃-125℃ cooking toughened type TB4 Meat, nutritional liquids and other large packaging
Cooked at 135℃ B2 Meat sauce and other packaging

*The above are typical membrane types, which can be customized according to customers' individual needs.


Retort pouch packaging is becoming increasingly common as consumers demand ready-to-eat or partially cooked convenience food packaging grows. Weifu CPP barrier film technologies brought about simplified & improved retort pouch designs, which can generate processing efficiencies and lower overall packaging costs. Our retortable film complies with international food contact standards, perfect for processed food packaging.

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